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HTTP 418 ERROR i'm a teapot.
Designed as part of a disaster recovery plan, the system was written deliberately using different technology stack to the production systems with focus on serverless.
Things go wrong, in the event of a service outage, major event or system compromise College required a system to maintain communication with its co-hort while business continuity plans are put into action.

Built around static HTML templates using the College branding, the system was created without any CMS making it light weight and easy to host on practically anything, while reducing risk of any potential exploit in infrastructure being used across services.
Pre made templates act as placeholders for certain scenarios reducing overhead in an already stressful situation, allowing key messaging to be delivered during a system outage.
Hot infrastructure setup and hosted on separate Cloud infrastructure in separate geographical region, mitigates for major cloud provider outage.
Access only available to systems via Physical 2FA keys, stored in firesafes and with key personal, mitigates risk should core accounts or systems be compromised by a bad actor.
Internal drills and roleplayed scenarios help ensure familiarity with systems and messaging.