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Efficient enrolment, made possible.
Starting at a new school requires collection and distribution of large amounts of information, to facilitate this process the enrolment portal allows prospective parents access to simple secure area where they can provide required details and are guided through the process.
Colleges Admissions team historically had physically posted parents required forms for starting at CLC, over 150 forms across 6 year groups.
Many forms collected duplicate information, and had become overwhelming for both Parents and the admissions team.
The brief was to simplify the process, removing duplication and allowing parents to complete the forms electronically.
The system should generate reports for the various internal departments providing only the relevant details to those administrators that require access, and allow administrators to chase details that are missing.

Built on the Laravel framework and served using AWS EC2 instances, the project runs in annual cycles to collect the newly enroled parents details.
Each cycle amends to the various forms are made, the system was designed not to be edited by the admissions department to ensure a consistent approach to the forms, and reliability.
Due to the sensitivity of the data being inputed into the system the system encrypts all data end to end and access to the data is then controlled by LDAP security groups managed by the IT Support team.
The data can then be exported by the various data manager in a format that is compatible with the College management information system (iSams)
The data can also be automaticlly imported into iSams using a REST API, but the admissions staff are more comfortable inspecting the data and manually importing.