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Colleges estate consists of over 20 boarding houses with 1600 people on site, management of buildings, IT support, cleaning, portering or security issues required a centralised system to facilitate easy reporting and communication.

Helpdesk provides engineers and users a simple web interface to view and create tickets for the various teams to action. The system also provides analytics, reporting and feedback from users to aid in management decisions.
The system features a fully fledged assets management system allowing assets to be assigned to tickets or users, maintaining a history of issues with assets.
1600 Users
c.50 Engineers
Over 150,000 tickets created

Created using the Laravel Framework, users are presented with a simple set of forms to log issues around the estate.
Engineers can then view the tickets created and provide corespondance while the issue is resolved. Updates provided notify the interested parties either via email or helpdesks own notification system.
Additional meta data can be assigned to tickets along with assets held in the system, each ticket and asset then has full audit trail of all actions taken
Managers can view feedback from tickets as well as detailed analytics and service level agreements, data can be viewed in cusomisable graphs or exported to csv for a manager to manipulate in software of their choice.
Tickets can be assigned automatically to engineers or helpdesks using a custom trained tensorflow model, or using round robbin, random, least busy engineer.
Assets for the College are tagged with QR codes, that can be scanned using Helpdesks built in scanner to either audit the assets, add them to a ticket or search to find out further information.