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One site
to rule them all
Approx 1600 CLC staff and students require access to a diverse variety of learning resources hosted across various platforms, to facilitate easy access for the College users springboard was created as one source of truth for users to reference.

In co-ordination with the College Cybird, who guide internet safety with the younger year groups. Springboard provides a single place for users to bookmark on their devices that provides easy access to learning resources.
Cyber safety tips created by the students are provided when students authenticate to the internets captive portal
Additional emergency message service is also built into the system to aid with internal coms should it be required.
Sub 60ms time to DOM render
Offline support
c.150,000 visits per month
A+ observatory.mozilla.org
100/100/100/100 PageSpeed Insights
Created as a Silverstripe CMS project, modernisation in 2022 converted the site to JAM Stack taking advantage of the serverless offerings provided by Amazon.
As the pages change infrequently, the CMS was removed to improve security and reduce cost and complexity, Github was selected as the repository for the site. Static files are generated using Hugo site generator as part of a CI/CD Pipeline.
All styles are compiled using TailwindCSS and compiled into a single CSS file, minimal Javascript is needed, Alpine.js was chosen for its lightweight and fast performance.
To facilitate full offline site support a service worker is created with Workbox to pre cache all assets. This allows students who have not authenticated to the College firewall the ability to navigate to internal academic resources without having to re-authenticate.
Dynamic content is added to the site using AWS Lambda functions from AWS API Gateway endpoints. AlpineJS makes a fetch request to the endpoints as required resulting in dynamic content such as current school period/calendar from iSAMS, or Recent news and events from BBC/The Day.
During specific calendar periods the site is themed to be more playful for the students with added easter eggs, such as dynamic snow & countdowns to holiday during the festive period.